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Суслова Инна Владимировна

Анкета добавлена в базу: 18.04.2017

Here I can describe all teaching methods I am familiar with and point out the ones I prefer.
Content Based Teaching Method or Content Based Instruction. CBI is effective because students acquire language skills with an emphasis on meaningful content rather than on the language itself. This is my favourite method.

Communicative Language Teaching Method. CLT is an approach to the teaching of languages that emphasizes interaction and is based on the idea that the goal of learning is to gain communicative competency.

The Audio-Lingual Method or the Aural-Oral Method. AOM focuses on listening to language models and acting in everyday situations.

Lernen durch Lehren. It is an effective method for students to learn by teaching their peers.

Now I can describe the students I have taught listing the institutions I was hired by and stating the period of my work.
I have taught students of all ages: from 6 year-old children to 60 year-old retired people. I was teaching German and English as a private tutor individually and in small groups from 1997 to 2016. I was also working as an English teacher in Moscow International Film School from 2008 to 2009. I taught students of the 2nd to 11th classes.

Here is a list of the coursebooks and teaching materials I prefer working with:
English — «Teens English», «Get Down to Business English», «Direct Business», «A Basic English Grammar», «Cambridge English», «A Course in Natural English».
German — «Direktes Deutsch», «Passwort Deutsch».

My favourite Internet resourсe to prepare for my lessons is:
I create my own materials for my lessons as a rule.
I like my creative outlet in teaching.
All my students’ success is the most prominent achievement in the field of my teaching.

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