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Фоггиано Люк

Анкета добавлена в базу: 19.07.2020

My name is Luke Foggiano, and I am a US ESL and Drama Instructor with a wide ranging international experience, and currently residing and working in Moscow, Russia.
I have experience in all areas of ESL teaching, with specific focus on TOEFL / IELTS / IB and Academic English Preparation classes, as well as Cambridge Exam suites.I can deliver well-thought out, effective, interactive lessons while keeping my students involved throughout. I have worked with youth in the past, 6th to 12th grade, both in residential and non-residential settings, therefore I welcome challenges and stimulating learning environments. Past students are now attending prestigious institutions abroad, such as St Andrews Prep School, CT, US, and King’s College, London, UK. Exam students have been able to improve their scores significantly with as little as 5 lessons. Additionally, I am a qualified IB and Cambridge Exams Suite Examiner as well as Teacher Trainer.
The teaching philosophy I have developed through the years focuses squarely on students’ motivation;I believe this is what makes the difference between academic success and failure.Failure is also a result of personal responsibility, and as such, it might foster growth and success later in a student’s life. Either way, I leave the choice to the student and his / her family.

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